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Dwell Collective International

Supporting Fieldworkers Serving on the Frontlines of Medical & Humanitarian Relief

Our Why

We support and reinforce the courageous men and women willing to serve in the most dangerous regions of the world.

We witnessed firsthand the necessary but grueling efforts of field workers serving people affected in these places. Their projects often remain understaffed and underfunded— increasing the toll of an already highly stressful environment. Burnout and breakdown consistently send many highly qualified, highly passionate field workers home. Dwell Collective was founded to leverage the wealth of time, resources, and energy available in the West to relieve and reinforce our field workers and their efforts as they labor across the globe.

Our Work

We provide long-term funding and short-term reinforcements for our field workers.

We connect passionate people in the West to effectively support those serving on the front-lines of relief and compassion efforts in the hardest, darkest places in the world. Help us resource and advocate for field workers and their projects to take the burden of fundraising off the frontlines.

Will you join us?

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Our Projects
How We Support & Sustain
We Resource
Medical Training Equipment

Equip doctors in conflict zones with vital medical training equipment.

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We Advocate
Counter Trafficking

Help rescued women receive the care they need, find employment, and get back on their feet.

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We Recruit
Doctors Training Doctors

Are you a doctor or medical professional? Train medical students in conflict zones with us.

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About our

Field Partners

We partner with field workers we personally know and trust. Our field partners work with local leaders to identity and co-develop projects to meet the unique needs of the communities they are serving in regions experiencing instability and unrest.

Most of us will never give up home and country to serve the people suffering most in conflict zones, but we absolutely can join in solidarity with those who have!

Will you help us support & sustain their work?

Join Us
Representative photo

Why Conflict Zones?

The grossest injustice and greatest human needs exist in the most dangerous regions of the world, where few people are able or willing to go.

We want to make sure the few people who move their lives and even their families to serve in these areas are supported and that their work is made sustainable.

Will you help us fortify the frontlines?

Where Most Needed